There was a day when I'm in Marine Hatchery. Suddenly, I noticed a dazzle light came from laboratory room......Without any hesitant, I opened the door and the glint tortured my eyes.....After a couple seconds, I saw a witch was making her experiment.
"Arggghhh.....leave me alone", Witch.
Beside the witch, there was Guan Yin (观音菩萨). Guess what is this...
Q: Do you what is this??
A: 观音娘 Artemia cysts.
Walao!!! Guan Yin Pu Sa also can be ambassador ah?? What happend to the manufacture? How can they use Guan Yin Pu Sa picture as the cover and the name of brand. I think la, if she can speaks, she might say:
" Pay me the royalty!!!"
3 条评论:
hahaha...i think that tauke need 'guan ying niang'bless he bah...
ya loh!!!
at first i think this is made in China, but suprisingly is made in US oh!!
huh!!! made in US somemore...???