




Last time I've asked my supervisor - Dr. Yeong about the time allocation on my acedemic, research and entertainment. The answer is

acedemic : research : entertainment
45% : 45% : 10%

What the fXck!!! How can live in such life!! Hahahaah!!!

5 条评论:

Loytor Media 说...

Sure mah...
we are student...
add oil loh...

stupid monk 说...


i lap u 说...

thank you X2

hahaha!!! I will try my best la. hahaa!!

mayb i will come back umt earlier to finish it...

MiKi Gan 说...

You will felt that is a torture to you at the beginning or maybe during the process...but when your FYP is done, you will appreciate for getting that project and missing it or willing to sacrifice your 90 % for those non-entertainment stuffs.
Good to write it out rather than keep inside your heart. At least, you can get a few moral supports from US, your friends.
Gambateh ...=) Mr.Hui

i lap u 说...

Ah Gan!!!!

u make me wanna cry....hahaha!!

thanks a lot for ur (marine bio friends) support!