
The road not taken....

毕业典礼就好像意料中的进行,正是宣布我的大学生涯已经结束了。惊喜的得知之前申请美国的研究拨款(RESEARCH GRANT)已经批准了。这也好像是在意料中的一样,只是人的心却是无法意料。放弃是自己决定的,但造就我的那么坚决决定的原因只有一个,那就是把人世物看得太清了,怕了。。。

4 条评论:

Xuyene 说...

Oh I think you have told me about this before. What was that again?

i lap u 说...

I think is the same case..hahaha!!
now my dear ex-supervisor "hunting" for someone to under him...hahah!!

i lap u 说...
Xuyene 说...

HEHE what the hell. He never gets tired with the hunt.