Wah!!! I’m 21 already. Is it implying that I’m ‘adult’? Can make any decision by my own? Am I able to be an autarkist?????? Independence?? No!!! Impossible!!! Ridiculous!!! Hahaha!!! I’m still act like a teenager, sometime even don’t what should I do or what I am doing. (It is not an excuse to admit I’m 21)
What suppose an adult should do? Start having responsibility, my future resolution, try to control my emotion well, or blablala…..This is what I think. But for someone, they are going to be other’s father or mother if they are luckily or unluckily, perhaps. Hahaha!! For me, I’m still single and even not yet in relationship with someone. Still having a fool and talk nonsense with the fellow – Ah Hien.
Let me review what I have done within 1 year. Erm…..worked in a terrible hatchery, join the turtle research and rehabilitation activity, further my study in UMT, and start learning Le Français. Oh! Ya. I had join the language festival, take part in advertisement category and stupid French drama.
'Bonjour. Comment çava? Je m’appelle Ah Hui. J’ai 21 ans et je parle Français un peu parce que j’apprends Le Français en situation au UMT avec mon ami Ah Hien. Je veux apprendre bonne. mechi et au revoir. '
I know it will be very tough after this, but I always remind myself 'everything will be ok' or 'nothing impossible'. sound like a idiot. :) I'm ready for challenge!!